Saturday, October 06, 2007

Cool Stuff

Fall is one of my favorite seasons. I live in the Midwest, so I'm blessed with the beautiful colors of the changing leaves and weekend jaunts to orchards, pumpkin patches and fields with great views of the blue sky. Yes - it's odd for a woman from Brick City to wax poetic about this kind of stuff - but I'm nothing if I'm not an eclectic, fabulous, mix of goodness.

There is a great deal of incredible creativity out in the world right now. A guilty pleasure I have allowed myself of late is a Sunday subscription to the New York Times. I love sitting on the couch after church - listening to the football games and being lost in the print wisdom that is the New York Times. The Book Review has kept me running to my local library as I've happily rediscovered the voracious reading addiction of my youth. I just finished reading, "Blue Like Jazz" by Donald Miller, and if you're a believer of Jesus Christ or wondering how people get there - I highly recommend this book.

Miller is a regular dude, not some pious, self-righteous Super Christian. I found myself laughing with him, saying "Amen" and appreciating his journey as a regular man in love with a Divine Christ - and seeking how to make that love real and active in his life. What a treat.

I'm also listening to the brilliant Ryan Shaw - young brother from Decatur, Georgia with a New Jack (is that too much of a 90's term) spin on classic soul. I saw him live last week here in Indy and he was a marvel. First of all, he sings and has a band that plays music. In this day and age - that is a rarity. Go pick up his CD and more importantly see him live if you get the chance.

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